Friday, April 20, 2012

Coffee: Drug or Beverage?

For those of you, like me, who don’t want to snort lines of Adderall, coffee is the next best solution. In those tough early mornings when you want nothing less than to go to class, a strong coffee is all you need.

However, not just any coffee will suffice. If it’s not a Starbucks coffee, you’ll only be wanting more. The boldness of the Starbucks taste is something that really wakes you up.

There are a lot of options or directions to go in to fit your style of coffee drinking. You can go classic with a Grande bold roast. This is my personal favorite. The bolds range from the Sumatra to the Komodo Dragon. They may sound a little intimidating, but they’ll never let you down.

If you don’t feel like having a hot coffee, order an iced one. I enjoy a good iced coffee, but I tend to drink them too fast. I always order them with a shot of espresso as well for an extra kick because the iced coffee is a weaker blend. The combination of drinking it fast and having espresso in it makes me go nuts. I start to shake and the whole point of having a coffee is defeated.

If you really want to enjoy the coffee, don’t load it up with milk and sugar. These additives only mask the true taste of the coffee. Also, if you throw a lot of sugar in, it may upset your stomach. The caffeine will do this in itself sometimes, so any added sugar may leave you feeling a little queasy.  

During finals week, coffee may be your most important beverage. If you’re like me, you will begin to depend on coffee to get your work done.

I know I said that you want to stay away from Adderall, but coffee becomes as much of a drug as Adderall is. My body starts to crave the caffeine and I physically feel tired without it.

If you have never experienced the advantages of coffee, you are in for a revolution. I will warn you though, once you start your coffee-drinking career, expect to be in it for the rest of your life. 

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