Its 2:30 in the morning and you’ve just got home from a heavy night of binge drinking. You’re hungry. What do you do now?
For freshman living on campus, this may be one of the toughest questions you’re faced with during your four-year stay. You can try to look under your bed and see what kind of microwaveable food you have left. In most cases, there’s not going to be much there. That care package your Mom sent you is on its last leg. Go downstairs and find the nearest vending machine. Put in your $1.00 and buy some Ramen. The overwhelmingly satisfactory blend of packaged noodles and artificial chicken flavoring is something you’ll appreciate in your inebriated state.
However, there are some of you who are going to be too lazy to boil some water and throw those noodles in there. That’ll take too long. That’s okay. Just try crushing up the solid noodles so they’re in bite sized little pieces and sprinkle some of that flavoring on them. You’ll get an added crunch and still fulfill your need.
There is always the option of ordering food, if you can wait. A go to spot when you get back late at night is always Chanellos. This downtown pizzeria is one of Harrisonburg’s finest. They take flex which is almost a necessity because let’s be honest, you’re not going to have any cash on you. Their cheesesteaks and thin crust pizzas are especially popular items.
If you think ordering food will take too long, give Jimmy Johns a try. Some may say their sandwiches are a little small, but what they lack in size they make up for in time. When you place an order at Jimmy Johns, someone’s knocking at your door before you even put the phone down. Their fresh bread and large menu of choices always makes Jimmy Johns a worthwhile experience.
Whatever you do, don’t go to bed hungry.
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